VIP Mentorship Program

Dr. Pizzi's #ProperlyPartnered VIP Mentorship Program brings working with a mentor to a whole new level. A psychologist, gay relationship specialist, and board-certified sex therapist, Dr. Gregg's intense 4-month-long, hands-on, interactive, goal-oriented course takes a deep-dive into the chronically-single behaviors (CSBs) that are keeping you alone and dismantles them one-by-one so that you can allow love, connection, and joy back into your life.
Only a limited number of carefully-selected participants are admitted at any given time. Each entrant to the VIP Mentorship program undergoes an intrapersonal, psychosocial, romantic, and motivational assessment so as to identify your individual, specific triggers and blocks. As you work through the different elements of the course, Dr. Pizzi will show you how to disarm and deactivate the ones that are holding you back with ongoing, direct feedback and personalized, hands-on guidance along the way.
By the time you are ready to graduate from the program, you will find yourself more confident, open, and prepared to connect with quality men on a mature, intimate level. Your insight into yourself and your relationships will be improved, and you'll possess an arsenal of relationship tools & skills you can use to succeed in ANY area of your life. Your outlook on yourself, people, life and love will be brighter, and you will most likely be a happier person.
While only YOU can decide just how successful you wish to be, Dr. Gregg will teach you everything you need to know in order to become confident, prepared, and ready for connection with a serious partner who is an appropriate match for you.
End the cycle of chronic singlehood.
Start your journey toward real love.
Meet your true, proper partner.
LIVE the relationship of your dreams.
Your registration in the #ProperlyPartnered VIP Mentorship Program includes:
Immediate acceptance into Dr. Gregg's private interactive VIP online support community exclusively for students enrolled in the Mentorship Program. This is a smaller, more-intimate, group of carefully-selected single gay men who are focused, serious, and committed to doing the internal work required to break out of the lonely cycle of chronic singlehood and become #ProperlyPartnered
Admission into the #ProperlyPartnered 4-month online academic course curriculum containing (1) new, original video lessons each week created by Dr. Gregg exclusively for this intensive, high-level course; (2) practical, realistic homework assignments with tools you can apply to upgrade your dating & sex life right away, thereby pushing you to grow; (3) special recommended reading to enhance your relationship fluency; and (4) secure electronic access to your online profile from anywhere at anytime, so lessons and assignments can be completed at your own pace and convenience.
Your registration includes a customized singlehood assessment of your own, individual, specific behavioral blocks and triggers that prevent you from being able to achieve intimacy on a consistent basis with a healthy, well-rounded, appropriately-matched romantic partner.
Your registration also includes a customized intimacy action plan in which you and Dr. Gregg will break down, one-by-one, the specific cogntitive, emotional, and behavioral steps you need to take in order to become #ProperlyPartnered, with personalized guidance and support as you go about implementing those changes.
Two (2) one-hour face-to-face videocall sessions each week with Dr. Gregg. You and your fellow students will meet with Dr. Gregg in group format, ask your questions live, and receive direct, hands-on coaching and personalized feedback about your specific goals and progress.
Private, face-to-face individual (1-on-1) consultation with Dr. Gregg at key points as you progress through the program
Unlimited access 24/7 to the VIP online support community and course curriculum
Unlimited messaging access to Dr. Gregg for your assignments, progress, questions, ideas, feedback, opinions, etc.
While the academic component of the Mentorship Program is designed and presented as a 4-month course, your purchase gives you access to the online curriculum and accompanying materials for an entire year so that you can take as much time as you like to enjoy and complete it.
Click here to go to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Click here for a copy of the Coaching Program Agreement (Agreement)
If you are ready to end the cycle of loneliness and chronic singlehood, click on Register Now. If you are not sure, would like more information, have questions or concerns, or to set up a time to talk with Dr. Gregg about whether the VIP Mentorship Program is a good fit for you, click here.

The group format has been found to be a highly-effective and fun way of motiving growth and change.
As a student in this fast-paced, intensive VIP program you and Dr. Gregg will identify together your specific unconscious and behavioral obstacles to intimacy, and then create a plan tailored just for you for eliminating and overcoming them. As a result, you will become more open, available, and capable of connecting with a man who shares similar values and life goals, and is serious about wanting a relationship and becoming #ProperlyPartnered.
In addition to the exclusive course material, assignments, and readings, you will receive daily interactive support, semiweekly face-to-face meetings with Dr. Gregg, and a direct response from Dr. Gregg to all your questions and concerns throughout the week.
While it's impossible to put a price on happiness and reaching your goal of finding the man of your dreams, the price of this course is less than six (6) months of therapy and brings faster results.